We started our ninth week of first grade today.
This year we have embraced the Charlotte Mason philosophy of education in our home.
I discovered who Charlotte Mason was and her philosophy of education late into our kindergarten year, but after reading and researching, I fell in love.
I am generally following the Ambleside Online Year 1 with a few tweaks here and there for our family. We use Singapore Math, Apologia Science, and add in Story of the World for history.
We spend our days reading lots and lots.
We study nature and journal about it.
We study artists, composers, and sing hymns.
We play games often
and sometimes take school on the road.
We go to the library at least once a week (sometimes twice) and we've gotten in the habit of stopping by our favorite local coffee shop to read a few of the books we checked out.
Our days are gentle and peaceful (for the most part).
It seems so weird to even share that, but it's true.
It's the total opposite of my public school teaching days.
I wouldn't trade Little Barn Academy for those days for anything.