Tuesday, January 20, 2015

{Keeping Bees} First Honey Harvest

 We knew back in the summer that our bees were not thriving. We were hopeful that they would have enough honey to make it through the Winter and then we were going to re-queen (to establish new bees) in the Spring. Two days ago, we checked on our bees and discovered that they were all dead. So yesterday we harvested the remaining over-winter honey.
 (We, along with three other families, bought a honey extractor, 
so we can use it whenever we need it.)
 We harvested 4.75 pounds of honey from five (not full) frames.
Although we lost our bees, we are hopeful to have a couple new hives in the Spring,
and a day filled with honey will always be so sweet.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

from the {Little Barn Kitchen}

a peek at what I've been cooking and we've been eating/drinking...

 {Main Meals}
New Year's Dinner...bratwursts, black eyed peas, and collards
 pimento goat cheese, swiss chard, and bacon on homemade bread
 gluten free noodles with chicken, swiss chard, peas, bacon, and coconut milk/chicken broth sauce
potato, bacon, green bean, and kale hash with a fried egg and dollop of pimento cheese on top

{Additions to the Larder}
pressure canned chicken broth (made from one of our old laying hens)

Friday, January 9, 2015

{Gratitude} Lately

Every day I look around in amazement at all the 
beautiful, yet simple, things that I'm so thankful for.
Lately I've been grateful for...
a free chai latte and being able to keep up with a 
Spencer's coffee sleeve for 10 whole visits
 a kid-free break and lunch dates with Nana and Pop
 winter days filled with creative play
 morning light streaming through the windows and fireside views
 and lazy afternoons filled with warm fires, new books, 
hot tea, and a cozy blanket