Tuesday, June 3, 2014

There's a Vulture Living in Our Barn!

(You can get this close before it will fly away!)

There is a vulture living in our barn. She is guarding an egg in one of the barn stalls. So entering the barn is always an adventure. I clap and shout and bang things together to get her to fly away. Sometimes we’re successful. Other times we’ll get so close without her leaving that we have to duck and cover as she swoops up from her nesting spot. We’re not sure how we are going to remedy this problem, but we don’t really need to use the barn just yet anyway. Maybe once her egg hatches she will move on. Who knows? It is kind of cool saying we have a vulture living in our barn, and hopefully she is keeping the snakes away. At least that’s what we’re trying to tell ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing all these updates! Seth was telling me about all the pets on Sunday and mentioned the vulture.... its all making more sense now.
