A glimpse at a few things from the homestead...
We saw a wild turkey walking across our driveway. It left this beauty behind.
Wallpaper removal in the school room seems never ending.
We're kind of wishing we had just painted over it.
There are random things hanging on our walls until we decide where we want to really put things. I hung up this little brush that belonged to my Pepaw. I love it. I don't know why I didn't have it hanging in our last home.
We're all getting used to the electric fencing around here.
Mabel is still learning unfortunately.
We have one lone raspberry bush. The boys and the birds eat the raspberries as soon as they are red. Hopefully, one day we'll have lots of bushes and plenty of berries to harvest. Until that day comes, I have to snap a photo of a berry while the boys aren't looking.
We're also trying to remove thistle from the pastures.
While it isn't a pleasant task, I do enjoy playing this song in my head over and over.
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